
Are Men More Likely to Cheat than Women?

Question: Are men more likely to cheat than women? Why?
Jorge, 42: Tough question. I believe that all people do it for all different reasons. I know a lot of girls that cheat. I keep my mouth shut. Girls are emotional; men are animals.
Danny: It used to be like that way. Not so much anymore. I know a lot of women that cheat. If that’s what you want, get it in an open relationship. Which has become very common. In today’s world you have to accept every possible lifestyle. Cheating is morally wrong. You are violating someone’s trust. Open relationships can work and not for me but my friends are in it and it works for them
Brandy, 23: Yes, I think girls are more emotionally attached. Guys just like attention, so any kind of attention they will take it
Christy, 28: Guys like to brag to their friends about the girls they bang. ‘I piped this and I smashed that’
Sandy, 31: Absolutely because they have a higher sex drive than women. Every guy I have been with has cheated.
Daniel: Depends on the person. Not the gender. Men who drink iced mochas are less likely to cheat LOL
Matt: No. There is no reason.
Rashiem: No because both are equally possible to cheat. Science will tell you that women have more hormones than men. Cheating has more layers. Be honest with your feelings and lust. Be secure on feelings. Cheating is not necessarily bad. I think real relationships can grow from cheating.
Adelle, 24: Yeah because they always want to experience that ‘new fling’ feeling
LeTrice, 21: Definitely because they want that new chase. We shouldn’t base it on gender though because everyone wants to have their cake and eat it too.

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